
The General Education program at ACPHS supports the mission of the College to instill 值, 态度和技能,使终身智力, 文化, 个人和职业成长. 前两年开设的课程扩展了学生的历史, 文化, 文学, 科学和哲学观点. These courses also foster the critical assessment of ethical and humanistic 值, 强调沟通, critical thinking and problem-solving skills that prepare the student to advance in their professional discipline and 文化 competency. 通过必修课和选修课的结合, the College strives to expose students to the complexities of the world and prepare them to become valuable participants




  1. Produce and analyze written language in English within the conventions and genres of a particular discipline. 
    1. Utilize grammar, writing conventions, 以及特定学科的流派 to facilitate and convey meaning. 
    2. 创作目的驱动的作品,考虑到不同的观众. 
    3. Demonstrate use of the writing process including pre-writing, drafting, and revision. 
    4. Selectively incorporate and correctly attribute other peoples’ ideas and writing. 
    5. 确定文章的主旨或目的 
    6. Critically 评估 how statements within a text support an argument and are related to and build on one another via overall structure, 文本特征, 以及特定学科的流派. 


  1. Use numbers and other symbols to understand and express quantitative relationships, 采用定量方法, 并从数学模型中得出推论. 

2.1 Provide accurate explanations of information presented in mathematical forms. 

2.2 Competently convert relevant information into appropriate mathematical forms (e.g.,方程式,图形,图表,表格,单词).  


2.4 .将数据的定量分析作为判断的依据, 从这项工作中得出合理和适当的结论.


  1. Use the scientific method to acquire new knowledge: to include identification of a problem statement, 假设的形成和检验, 识别和控制变量, 实验设计, and interpretation of data generating evidence-based conclusions to include potential future directions.


3.构建合适的调查方法, 提出一个包含相关事实的详细假设, 考虑多个观点.

3.3 Explain the purpose of the experiment, stating the materials required to complete the procedure. 

3.4 Review experimental variables and controls choosing modifications as appropriate for experimentation performed. 

3.5收集, 回顾和分析证据以揭示重要的模式, 与假设有关的差异或相似之处.  

3.6 Review results relative to the hypothesis with consideration for further/future experimentation. 

3.从生成的数据推断结论, 考虑对立的观点和相关的可识别的结果.


  1. Determine the nature and extent of information need; find, access and critically 评估 information to accomplish a specific purpose and use information in an ethical and legal manner. 


4.2 Identify relevant key concepts or main ideas related to information need 和识别 the different types and formats of information sources, 在选择和使用资料来源时具有良好的判断力. 

4.确定合适的关键词和相关搜索词, 使用适当的工具开发和执行有效的搜索策略. 

4.应用适当的标准来评估可靠性, 相关性, 权威, and accuracy of information found and critically 评估 the creators of sources, 包括语气, 主体性, 和偏见. 

4.5 Acknowledge the original ideas of others through proper attribution and citation.


  1. 应用 appropriate computing tools and electronic resources to address specific tasks related to data storage, 信息的表示, 和组织.

5.1 Select the most appropriate tool(s) and technology to address a specific task. 

5.2描述各类信息的基本安全问题, 信息使用, 信息设备.  


5.使用技术资源和应用程序来支持个人, 学术, 专业生产力.  

5.5 .利用技术创造同样可访问的表现性内容.


  1. Explain the diversity within and among 文化s and human experiences and summarize its impact on the 个人 and society. 

6.1 Demonstrate and explain the need for further study of other 文化s by creating and seeking answers to additional pertinent questions.

6.2 Describe own 文化 rules 和偏见 and both identify and articulate the value in bringing new perspectives to those rules 和偏见.

6.3分析智力, 情感, 以及至少对另一种文化的成员来说重要的物质元素.


  1. 描述社会结构如何导致群体结果的不平等, 和识别, 评估, 并考虑各种政策和做法如何改变这些结果. 

7.1 Describe how various elements inherent to one’s own 文化 and to other 文化s have historically been privileged or undervalued.   

7.在多个层面上进行分析.g., 个人, 集团, 社区)历史的影响, 文化, 机构, 全球十大赌博靠谱的平台多样性和公平问题的实践或政策. 

7.3 Analyze the impact of potential equity strategies on affected 集团s in relation to a specific equity issue. 

7.4 Explain the potential for the power of diversity to serve as a source of creativity, 创新, 以及富有成效的合作. 


  1. 分析有公共影响的复杂问题, 参与民主话语, 找到帮助个人和改善公共政策的机会. 

8.分析知识(事实、理论等).)从学术研究/领域/学科, 与具有公共影响的公民参与建立相关联系. 

8.在有意义的公共话语中进行沟通.e., 辩论, 游说团体, 提倡), 表现出表达能力, 听......, 并考虑基于他人观点的想法和信息. 

8.3 Identify intentional ways to participate in civic contexts and structures and begin to reflect or describe how these actions may benefit 个人(s) or communities. 


  1. 产生和解释口语和具体化的交流, including prepared presentations and extemporaneous speech designed to increase knowledge, 促进理解, 或者促进观众态度的改变, 值, 信仰, 或行为.

9.1 Develop an organizational pattern that enhances the cohesion of the message. (i.e., specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced material within the body, and transitions)  


9.通过交付技术(如.g., 体积, 眼神交流, 手势, 面部表情, 的姿势, 运动, 表达能力, 和速度). 


9.练习积极倾听.g., 注意力, 开放的思想, 和字面理解(批判性理解), 表演, 和/或分组.


GELOs -胜任力





  1. Identify and 评估 ideas and information to devise innovative ways to address complex problems. 制定回应,使知情, 理性的, 通过应用程序做出负责任的决定, 合成, 或者重新利用知识来实现解决方案.



10.2 Develop an objective and comprehensive analysis, considering 假设 和偏见.  

10.3 Create a novel idea, question, approach, or product to address the problem.  

10.4 Resolve problems by applying logical reasoning to determine appropriate pathways for effective solutions.


  1. 识别道德问题并运用道德原则, 值语句, 以及其他相关的注意事项和技能(例如.g.(批判性思维),以便在一个多样化的社会中谨慎行事.

11.1 Analyze core 信仰 and their origins at the 个人 and/or 集团 level. 

11.2 Identify questions about ethical/moral issues or value judgments questions when presented in a complex, 多层次的上下文.


11.评估对伦理/道德问题或问题(反对意见)的回应, 对异议的回应, 假设, 影响).


  1. Work effectively with others towards a common goal by engaging diverse perspectives and building consensus.

12.1 Explain how social and professional roles create distinct perspectives and priorities that shape our approaches to collaboration.

12.整合社交技能(积极倾听), 同理心, 自我意识, tactfulness) to cultivate an inclusive environment where people are comfortable sharing and discussing disparate viewpoints.

12.3 Integrate decision-making processes and conflict management strategies to negotiate solutions that satisfy disparate interests.